Create Pairings
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Typically golf tournament are played in groups - a playing group (foursome, threesome, etc.) or a team which is competing against other teams. Tournament Manager gives you the ability to create your teams/playing groups automatically, manually, or using a combination of manual and automatic. If you have had players sign up for specific foursomes / tee times, you would not want to use the automatic pairing as it would switch players to different foursomes / tee times than they signed up for.

Manually building teams/playing groups

  1. Hover over or tap the logo in the upper left of your screen. Click on the 3. Manage link in the Active Tournament section.

  2. Place a check mark in the boxes for all players that you want to move into a team (arrows below) by clicking the box.

  3. Click on the yellow pencil (circled above) to assign all three players to one team/playing group. Enter the team or playing group number to which you wish to assign these players.

  4. Click on the Save button.

Automatically building teams/playing groups

Tournament Manager gives you the ability to build teams/playing groups of whatever size

  1. Hover over or tap the logo in the upper left of your screen. Click on the 3. Manage link in the Tournament section.

  2. Click the Tools in the upper right corner of Tournament Manager window.

  3. Click on Build teams automatically...

  4. The Build x-somes window will appear.

    Calculates xsomes with total group handicaps as close as possible for each xsome.

    Calculates xsomes with a balanced number of flights in each xsome.  For example, a balanced foursome would try to produce an A,B,C,D in each foursome while trying to maintain equal team handicaps.

    Calculates xsomes with the same flight in each xsome.  For example, a flighted foursome would try to produce an A,A,A,A in each foursome while trying to maintain equal teams. The next set of foursomes would be B,B,B,B...etc.  Other ways to flight include AABB/CCDD, AACC/BBDD, and AADD/BBCC.

    Low to High Handicap
    Calculates xsomes with lowest handicap golfers on team #1 and highest handicap golfers on the last team.

    High to Low Handicap
    Calculates xsomes with highest handicap golfers on team #1 and lowest handicap golfers on the last team.

  5. Click one of the options shown above to open it's window (shown together below). The Calculate form will appear. This form gives you several options to customize team pairings.

    Mark Pairing Priorities
    Select the options you want Tournament Manager to consider while building teams. Tournament Manager follows an order of priorities when trying to build the teams you specify. For example, if you mark "Pairing Priorities" 4-Pair Male\Female and 7-Preferred Tee-Time, Tournament Manager would first try to build mixed Xsomes and then try to give preferred tee-times.

    Maintain teams golfers locked on
    Tournament Manager allows you to lock any number of players on the same team. This allows you to manually build some teams (or parts of teams) and let Tournament Manager automatically pair the rest. A player is locked on a team if a "Check" appears in the "Lock" column (this is the first column on the view list).

    Once a player is locked on a team, he\she will remain on that team no matter what (unless you have locked more players on a team than allowed). This is Tournament Manager's first maintain locked players.  The more players you lock together, the more you restrict Tournament Manager's pairing choices. If you notice that Tournament Manager is building "poor" teams, it probably means that you have so many players locked that Tournament Manager's pairing choices are severely restricted.

    Example: If you have 3 golfers that must play together, place them on the same team and make sure each is locked on that team.

    Put SPOUSES on different Xsomes
    Mark this option if you do NOT want spouses on the same team. Tournament Manager tries to make sure spouses do NOT appear on the same team by making sure players with the same last name do not appear on the same team.

    Balance GROUPS in each Xsomes
    Tournament Manager tries to spread players (from each different tee group) evenly throughout all xsomes.

    Example: Assume I'm running a tournament with 100 golfers. 25 are professionals and the other 75 amateurs. I want to calculate 25 equal foursomes with one professional per foursome and the remaining three amateurs. I would place all professionals in tee group 1 and all amateurs in tee group 2. Then when I mark "Balance Groups" and calculate pairings, it will assure that a professional appears in each foursome.  Note: Another way to do this would be to lock each professional on a different team, then let Tournament Manager build the teams.

  6. When you are satisfied that this is how you want to build your teams/x-somes, click the Build button.

  7. Below is the result of selecting Flighted to build teams with one player from each flight (A, B, C, D).