Real-time results
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Selecting a real-time results format

For the Real-time results function to work, players (or somebody entering scores on behalf of the players) must be entering hole-by-hole scores during play. Players can use smartphones to post scores during play. Each player can post their own scores or one person in the playing group can post scores for the group. Players have access to the Real-time results on their smartphones during play.

To display the Real-time results in the clubhouse or some other location, you will need a device (desktop, laptop, tablet) connected to the Internet which players can view. Follow these steps to start the Real-time results.

  1. Hover over or tap the logo in the upper left of your screen. Click on the 6b. Real-time results link in the Tournaments section.

  2. Click on one of the Real-time results links to start that Real-time result.

  3. The F11 key (Windows PC's) on your keyboard is the toggle key between full screen mode and non-full screen mode of your browser.