Archive Tournament
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Archive Tournament

Follow these steps to archive a tournament:

  1. Move your cursor/pointer to hover over the logo in the top left corner or tap once on the logo. Select Tournaments from under the Organization section.

  2. Note that a tournament must be Finalized before it can be Archived.

  3. Click on the link consisting of the tournament's name which you want to archive.

  4. Click on the Archive button.

  5. Confirm your intention to Archive the tournament by clicking or tapping the button labeled, "YES, Archive".

Viewing archived tournaments

Follow these steps to view archived tournaments:

  1. Move your cursor/pointer to hover over the logo in the top left corner or tap once on the logo. Select Tournaments from under the Organization section.

  2. Click on the Archive button.

  3. Click on the tournament for which you want to view a result report.

  4. Click on the result report or data that you want to view.