Change number of teams or events

If at all possible, changes to the number of teams and number of events should be made prior to the start of your season. These changes can cause havoc to your schedule when made after the league season has started.

Figure 1: League Schedule

Change the number of events

Sometimes it is necessary to change the number of events on your schedule due to rain outs.

  1. Open the Main Menu, and click Schedule in the League section.
  2. Click on the events drop down menu (see #5 in Figure 1 above) and select a new number of events.
  3. Confirm that you want to make the change by clicking the OK button.

    Figure 2: Confirm change in number of events
  4. When you view the bottom of your Schedule, you will see the number of events has been adjusted to your selection.

Change the number of teams

If teams drop out or more teams join your league, you will need to adjust the schedule.

  1. Open the Main Menu, and click Schedule in the League section.
  2. Click on the teams drop down menu (see #6 in Figure 1 above) and select a new number of teams.
  3. Confirm that you want to make the change by clicking the OK button.

    Figure 3: Confirm change in number of teams
  4. When you view your schedule, you will see the number of teams has been adjusted to your selection.